What size torsion springs do I need for my garage door?

Standard residential garage door torsion springs are typically located on a shaft positioned above the center of the garage door. However, in the case of a low headroom garage door system, they may be situated at the rear end of the horizontal tracks (see photo below for reference). These springs are commonly available with inside diameters of 1 ¾", 2", and 2 ¼"

back spring

What do the colors mean on garage door torsion springs cone?

Torsion springs are color-coded to indicate their winding direction. On a torsion spring, the color code distinguishes between "right wind" and "left wind." A BLACK color code signifies a left wind spring when installed on the right side of the bracket, while a RED color code represents a right wind spring when installed on the left side of the bracket.

spring cone



How long does a garage door spring last

The answer to this question depends on various factors. Most modern overhead garage doors are equipped with torsion springs that typically have a standard rating of approximately 10,000 cycles. Each time you open and close your garage door, it completes one cycle. If you typically perform 3 to 7 cycles per day, the lifespan of your garage door spring would be around 3 to 10 years.

However, there are additional factors that can affect the longevity of your garage door springs. Increased usage cycles, temperature fluctuations, and lack of regular maintenance can all have a negative impact on their lifespan. When your garage door spring reaches the end of its life, it will need to be replaced. If you use your garage door frequently, it may be beneficial to consider high cycle springs, also known as long life garage door springs. These springs are designed to endure more than three cycles per day and can provide extended lifespan.

Can I use garage door spring 2 inch instead of 1 3/4 inch inner diameter?


If you currently have springs with a 1 3/4" inside diameter (ID) or 2" ID, changing the inside diameter from one to the other will not yield any benefits. Both sizes of springs have the same lift or torque rating and offer the same cycle life.

However, there are certain situations where it may be advisable to convert from one inside diameter to another:

  1. Obsolete Hardware: If the springs are very old and the associated hardware or cones are obsolete, it might be necessary to convert to a different inside diameter to ensure compatibility with readily available components.
  2. High Life Springs: In cases where you want to install high life springs but there is insufficient space on the shaft, increasing the inside diameter will allow you to install shorter springs while still enjoying the longer cycle life benefits.
  3. Availability of Springs: Sometimes, springs with different inside diameters may be available, and you need to assess whether the available options will work for your specific needs. For instance, while many doors have 1 3/4" ID springs, certain door companies may only carry 2" ID springs on their service trucks. In such instances, a converter can help determine the required length of a 2" ID spring that needs to be installed when replacing a broken spring with a 1 3/4" inside diameter.
Considering these factors can assist in making informed decisions regarding inside diameter conversions for garage door springs.


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